Business networking requires commitment. One element of this commitment is the financial investment to join BNI. The initial investment to join is a symbol of a company's or an individual's commitment to embrace the BNI system, and to the other members of a chapter.
The investment to join BNI consists of an application fee and annual participation fee. Individual chapters may also charge an additional fee to pay for the space in which their meetings take place. These charges are separate, and in addition to the investment to join BNI, and are at the discretion of individual chapter management teams.
Where does the Money go?
BNI Arizona South is a franchised business region (one of thousands in more than 70 countries in which BNI operates) that pays royalties to BNI for the right to operate a BNI region. BNI Arizona South is a training and support company that facilitates the creation of referral networking chapters in order to increase business and profits for our members.
The cost of membership is divided into two main areas:
1. Support of members and chapters (including materials).
2. Regional office and administrative and support costs, training materials, BNI royalties and BNI Connect fees.
Click here for a more comprehensive list of regional expenditures.
In essence, the true value of the investment to join is the opportunity to meet every week in a structured, business environment with a group of like-minded and trusted BNI members who are committed to building each other’s businesses.
For more information contact the BNI SoZona office at (520) 982-5131 or send email.