Click here to see an alphabetical list of BNI SoZona chapters. BNI BNI SoZona serves Cochise, Graham, Greenlee, Pima, Pinal and Santa Cruz counties.
The best way to find out about BNI is to visit a chapter. If you are a first time visitor, please call (520) 982-5131 or click here to send an email to visit and join a chapter.
See the map below for an overview of BNI SoZona chapters. Please note some chapters meet at the same location. Use the map zoom feature to locate each of the chapter markers.
Click here to see the list of showcase chapters in the BNI SoZona region. These chapters are where we members of forming chapters to visit so they can see BNI in action!
Click here to see the chapters currently forming in the BNI SoZona region. If you are interested in starting a new chapter please call Chrisie and Bill Ballard, Executive Directors BNI SoZona at (520) 982-5131.
You may use the "Advanced Search" button below to locate a specific BNI SoZona chapter.